Χαρτογράφηση απορριμμάτων σε παράκτιες ζώνες.

Για την ορθότερη έκφραση της ιδέας σας την παρουσιάζουμε στην αγγλική γλώσσα.

1. Our main business idea is the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems equipped with true-color RGB, multispectral, and hyperspectral sensors for close remote sensing to map emerge phenomena (like marine litter) in the coastal environment. Quantification includes state of the art remote sensing techniques for observing in combination with artificial intelligence algorithms to detect and to derive spatiotemporal geoinformation for emerging phenomena in the coastal zone. This process lies in the creation of the orthophoto maps to spatially define, measure, and quantify the selected environmental phenomenon. Hence, our business model is based on UAS platform technology for systematically mapping natural phenomena like marine litter density, coastal erosion, oil spill detection, and other custom UAV data maps. In terms of marine litter density product our solution is:
• Detection and monitoring of marine litter (ML) on coastal zones by creating ML density maps from data taken by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and analyzed with the use of our sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms.

2.The ocean receives solid waste from human activities, distributing the load widely, but not evenly. Accumulation of marine debris impacts marine life, but these areas are not well mapped globally nor are the causes well understood. To monitor impact and to improve our understanding, global observations are required. Despite the growing body of experimental evidence regarding encounters between marine organisms and marine plastic debris much uncertainty surrounds the spatio-temporal distribution of plastic and the global marine budget. Marine plastic debris is tied to plastic production, which has grown exponentially over the last 70 years, from 1.7 million tonnes in 1950 to 322 million tonnes in 2015. It is estimated that between 4.8 and 12.7 million metric tonnes of plastic entered the ocean from terrestrial sources in 2010 alone, with rivers contributing to 1.15 and 2.41 million tonnes of plastic waste. Floating marine plastics are a threatening problem for the world’s oceans. An increasing number of scientific publications evidence the issue. Several studies aim to tackle the problem with information derived from observers on a cruise, the use of modeling, and remote sensing. Remote sensing is one of the tools necessary for the detection of floating marine plastics because of the extensive area coverage and frequent observation. Although the remote sensing detection algorithms are immature, several studies have been working in this direction on optical and thermal modeling, on hyperspectral modeling and analysis, on drones or stable cameras, and with the direct use of satellite imagery. While floating plastics are reported in high concentrations in many places around the globe, no referencing dataset exists either for understanding the spectral behavior of plastics in the real environment, or for calibrating remote sensing algorithms and validating their results.

3. Frost & Sullivan (2020) has identified the potential increase in drone services worldwide. It is estimated that the global market is going to be doubled by 2025 reaching to a revenue of 45.8 billion dollars. Hence, it can be said that globally there is a noticeable positive trend of this emerging market. As this market is brand new in Greece there is no available report to our knowledge that measures the size of it. However, we strongly believe that there will be a great potential growth in plastic litter recycling industry due to the new laws the current government is planning to pass about banning single use plastics. This law is an obligation of Greece coming from EU directive EU2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.

In the draft of this new law, (October 2020) it is clearly mentioned that the plastic manufacturing industry will be responsible from now one not only to recycle the plastic litter from the public recycling system but will also be responsible to clean plastic litter that are out in the open environment. Therefore, we believe that there will be a need to find and monitor the plastic litter both in the open environment and coastal zones in order to later collect them.

In addition, the Hellenic Government and Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy have created a government organization called the Hellenic Recycling Organization (Ελληνικός Οργανισμός Ανακύκλωσης - E.O.AN.) that is responsible from checking that the plastic manufacturing industry is actually implementing the recycling and cleaning processes and reporting their findings in the European Council yearly. Hence, there will be a future need for this organization and other governmental ones to monitor the cleaning processes. Our solution is the current fastest way to monitor and map the plastic litter in the open environment.

Finally, as for the UAV mapping market, land surveyors and mapping service providers are increasingly using drones to augment their resources of measuring instruments, which in turn creates a large amount of information that requires analysis. The geo-referencing digital images obtained by drones provide precise data with a higher-resolution of 1.5 cm per pixel. Businesses across the world are increasingly using drones across a wide range of industries. In agriculture, farmers are utilizing maps generated with drone software to identify areas of damage & crop variation and aid in diagnosing the potential causes for damages, such as pests, equipment malfunctioning, irrigation problems, and prescribe solutions such as variable-rate nitrogen applications. Therefore, we believe that there will be a market growth as well in the rest of our mapping product services in the near future together with an increase in demand of custom UAV mapping services.

4. Due to the nature of our products each product will have a different price plan. For our main product, the marine litter density maps, there will a base fee for each meter of coastline be monitored. The basic fee (without any discounts) will be 1 Euro per each meter of coastline UAV data collected. This price tag also contains the processing work that needs to be done after. The minimum overall fee for this product will be 1000 Euro. Hence in order the company to be able to cover its expenses, for beaches will less coastline than 1000m, the minimum product price will be the same (1000 Euros).

If the operations take place away from Lesvos Island, the final product price will also include, traveling and lodging expenses of the company’s operational team that will travel there. For big projects (>10km), there will be discounts based on the nature of the projects. In addition, this price plan will be expanded more in the coming future based on company’s needs and costs.

The final product will be given in a report form. In addition, we plan to sell our services directly to customers through our future published web page. Hence, we will accept only digital payments though debit and credit cards.

• Dr. Apostolos Papakonstantinou is currently a Contracted Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics at the Cyprus University of Technology teaching Cartography and Geoinformatics curricula. He is also a Senior Post Doctorate researcher at Marine Remote Sensing Group and project manager on ARSx2 (AeRial System and Anti piRacy System) project. He holds a Ph.D. in the field of "Geoinformatics" with specialization in Cartography and scale issues in Geovisualization from the Department of Geography, University of the Aegean. Dr. Papakonstantinou holds an MSc in "Cultural Informatics and Communication" from the Department of Cultural Informatics and Communication, University of the Aegean and holds a degree in Physics from the University of Ioannina.
• Dr. Konstantinos Topouzelis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Sciences, University of the Aegean and he is leading the Marine Remote Sensing Group. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Studies (University of the Aegean, Department of Environment), a Master's degree in Remote Sensing (University of Dundee, Department of Applied Physics & Mechanical Engineering) and a Ph.D. in pollution monitoring from space (National Technical University of Athens, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering).
• Mr Argyris Moustakas is currently working as a researcher for Marine Remote Sensing Group (MRSG, University of the Aegean) responsible for providing technical support, designing and installing new equipment to the lab’s UAVs. He holds a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Master’s degree in Embedded Systems and Robotics (Meng) from the University of Manchester (thesis: creation of an autonomous robotic system for removing nuclear waste from Legacy Gloveboxes). The past two years Argyris has worked for Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company under the Rise management trainee program. Before that time, Argyris has also worked for a year for MRSG as a UAV engineer.

6. Our advantages are:

1. More accurate and faster data collection than practicing the old conventional monitoring methods.
2. Ability to cover wide areas with less resources and funds needed.
3. Production of marine litter density maps with the use of our sophisticated AI algorithms
4. Our team members have together combined 31 years of experience in remote sensing technologies

Finally, our ability to produce any other type of custom maps with the use of UAVs based on your needs.

Στόχοι Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης

Cloud Computing
Data Analytics – Big Data
Κύρια Δραστηριότητα
Παροχή Υπηρεσιών B2C
Περιβάλλον & Ενέργεια
Ανήκει σε Διαγωνισμό
Πανελλήνιος Διαγωνισμός Καινοτομικής Επιχειρηματικότητας Aegean Startups 2021

Επιχειρηματικό Πλάνο

Συνοπτικά Στοιχεία του Επιχειρηματικού Σχεδίου

Our vision

Our team conducts research on the exploration, analysis, and imaging of satellite and UAS data. It combines image processing algorithms and on-site measurements to develop new methods, technologies, and products for the visual representation of geospatial information. The team has participated in several international, national, or development – design projects such as H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015, EDK ARSx2, MARRE, ARGO, AQUASAFE.  Taking into account the demand for future UAS mapping products and the success of our projects, the team decided to create a startup called “SciDrones”, in order to promote its knowledge for solving major environmental problems that require special remote sensing techniques.


The Problem

The ocean receives solid waste from human activities, distributing the load widely, but not evenly. Floating marine plastics are a threatening problem for the world’s oceans. Marine plastic debris is tied to plastic production, which has grown exponentially over the last 70 years, from 1.7 million tonnes in 1950 to 322 million tonnes in 2015. It is estimated that between 4.8 and 12.7 million metric tonnes of plastic entered the ocean from terrestrial sources in 2010 alone, with rivers contributing to 1.15 and 2.41 million tonnes of plastic waste. Remote sensing is one of the tools necessary for the detection of floating marine plastics because of the extensive area coverage and frequent observation. While floating plastics are reported in high concentrations in many places around the globe, no referencing dataset exists either for understanding the spectral behavior of plastics in the real environment or for calibrating remote sensing algorithms and validating their results.

Our solution is the creation of a UAS platform technology for systematically mapping natural phenomena like marine litter density, coastal erosion, oil spill detection, and other custom UAV data maps. In terms of marine litter debris our solution is the detection and monitoring of marine litter (ML) on coastal zones by creating ML density maps from data taken by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and analyzed with the use of our sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms. Our system is semi-autonomous, and we can create different types of density maps based in customers’ needs.

Market – To which Audience is your Idea addressed?
It is estimated that the global market is going to be doubled by 2025 reaching to a revenue of 45.8 billion dollars. Hence, it can be said that globally there is a noticeable positive trend of this emerging market. We strongly believe that there will be a great potential growth in the plastic litter recycling industry due to the new laws the current government is planning to pass about banning single-use plastics. This law is an obligation of Greece coming from the European Council that aims the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.
In the draft of this new law, (October 2020) it is clearly mentioned that the plastic manufacturing industry will be responsible from now one not only to recycle the plastic litter from the public recycling system but will also be responsible to clean plastic litter that are out in the open environment. Therefore, we believe that there will be a need to find and monitor the plastic litter both in the open environment and coastal zones in order to later collect them.
In addition, the Hellenic Government and Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy have created a government organization called the Hellenic Recycling Organization that is responsible for checking that the plastic manufacturing industry is actually implementing the recycling and cleaning processes and reporting their findings in the European Council yearly. Hence, there will be a future need for this organization and other governmental ones to monitor the cleaning processes. Our solution is the current fastest way to monitor and map the plastic litter in the open environment.

Why Us?
The company is a natural result of 6 years of intensive work on UAS technology and visualization of the geoinformation conducted in the University of the Aegean. It will gain from the produced knowledge acquired from the university environment and transform it into a modern valuable product for society. Our team has already had 10 successful collaborations in marine earth observation with the use of UAVs, with the most successful one being with European Space Agency.
We strongly believe that we are Europe leaders in remote sensing technology. Our team consists of three team members that all together have many years of experience in remote sensing, geoinformatics and UAV technologies. Therefore, our strong experience in remote sensing with the use of UAVs and our successful project collaborations are our key to take advantage of this new arising market opportunity.

The innovative part of our idea is the use of UAS high-resolution data and AI technology to automatically detect marine litter in the coastal zones.

Εικόνα για τα Στοιχεία του Επιχειρηματικού Σχεδίου

Γενική Περιγραφή της Εταιρείας

Name: SciDrones PC

The SciDrones will be a Private Capital Company (IKE or PCC) legal format. IKE is a Greek simple and flexible format for starting a new business (introduced by Law 4072/2012).

Our Mission

Is to drive global plastic litter mapping & cleaning and make it profitable.


The company will be based in Mytilene, Lesvos Island, Greece.

Targets & goals

Secure 3 customers in the next six months.

Hire 3 employees in the next two years.

Secure VC funding in the next two years.

Have a turnover of 200.000 Euros in two years time.

Hire a CEO in two years time.

Εικόνα για την Περιγραφή της Εταιρείας

Ανάγκη και Αγορά

The market

Frost & Sullivan (2020) has identified the potential increase in drone services worldwide. It is estimated that the global market is going to be doubled by 2025 reaching to a revenue of 45.8 billion dollars. Hence, it can be said that globally there is a noticeable positive trend of this emerging market. As this market is brand new in Greece there is no available report to our knowledge that measures the size of it. However, we strongly believe that there will be a great potential growth in the plastic litter recycling industry due to the new laws the current government is planning to pass about banning single-use plastics. This law is an obligation of Greece coming from EU directive EU2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.

In the draft of this new law, (October 2020) it is clearly mentioned that the plastic manufacturing industry will be responsible from now one not only to recycle the plastic litter from the public recycling system but will also be responsible to clean plastic litter that is out in the open environment. Therefore, we believe that there will be a need to find and monitor the plastic litter both in the open environment and coastal zones in order to later collect them.

In addition, the Hellenic Government and Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy have created a government organization called the Hellenic Recycling Organization (Ελληνικός Οργανισμός Ανακύκλωσης – E.O.AN.) that is responsible for checking that the plastic manufacturing industry is actually implementing the recycling and cleaning processes and reporting their findings in the European Council yearly. Hence, there will be a future need for this organization and other governmental ones to monitor the cleaning processes. Our solution is the current fastest way to monitor and map the plastic litter in the open environment.

Finally, as for the UAV mapping market, land surveyors and mapping service providers are increasingly using drones to augment their resources of measuring instruments, which in turn creates a large amount of information that requires analysis. The geo-referencing digital images obtained by drones provide precise data with a higher resolution of 1.5 cm per pixel. Businesses across the world are increasingly using drones across a wide range of industries. In agriculture, farmers are utilizing maps generated with drone software to identify areas of damage & crop variation and aid in diagnosing the potential causes for damages, such as pests, equipment malfunctioning, irrigation problems, and prescribe solutions such as variable-rate nitrogen applications. Therefore, we believe that there will be a market growth as well in the rest of our mapping product services in the near future together with an increase in demand for custom UAV mapping services.

Customer Segments

In addition, our time has recognized the need for a dedicated business model for each customer segment that our products can be sold at. These customer segments are:


SDGs products – UN reporting
European Union (DG Mare, etc.)
Greek Ministry of Environment (Greek laws)

Local authorities

Administrative regions

Science Community

Scientific Organizations

Private Companies

Corporate Social Responsibility programs
Companies that produce plastic waste
Companies on coastal zones (hotels)

Εικόνα για ανάλυση της Επιχείρησης και της Επιχειρηματικής Ιδέας

Προϊόντα και Υπηρεσίες


Our main business idea is the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems equipped with true-color RGB, multispectral, and hyperspectral sensors for close remote sensing to map emerge phenomena (like marine litter) in the coastal environment. Quantification includes state of the art remote sensing techniques for observing in combination with artificial intelligence algorithms to detect and to derive spatiotemporal geoinformation for emerging phenomena in the coastal zone. This process lies in the creation of the orthophoto maps to spatially define, measure, and quantify the selected environmental phenomenon.

Hence, our business model is based on UAS platform technology for systematically mapping natural phenomena like marine litter density, coastal erosion, oil spill detection, and other custom UAV data maps. In terms of marine litter density our solution is:
Detection and monitoring of marine litter (ML) on coastal zones by creating ML density maps from data taken by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and analyzed with the use of our sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms.

Our main product is all-in-one solution. Starts with UAV data collection in the desired region follows by image processing and analysis of the collected data with the use of our AI sophisticated algorithms. Finally, it ends with the production of marine litter density maps that show where are the litter in the desired region. Our system is semi-autonomous, and we can create different types of density maps based on customers’ needs. In addition, as we speak now, we are developing a fully autonomous system using AI technology in order to achieve automatic litter detection faster and in addition be able to get the size and type of the marine litter monitored. As for now, our algorithm’s success rate is 85%.

At the moment, we are improving the efficiency of our AI algorithms. At the same time, we are developing an online platform that registered UAVs pilots can create an account, upload their UAV taken photos of marine litter in coastal zones, and get as a reward an automated report that would have statistics and different types of maps of the detected marine litter. To do so, the UAV pilots would have to follow the SciDrones flight protocol that has been created by us, which explains the settings the UAS should have in order to capture the best possible images. For example, the UAS’s altitude, speed, etc. The target is to create an online database of coastal zone maps, that would show the position, types, and quantities of marine litter in these specific zones, in different time periods.

Hence our three main technology assets are:
• Our experience in collecting UAV data in coastal zones.
• Our marine litter monitoring platform.
• Our AI algorithms and their datasets.


Due to the nature of our products each product will have a different price plan. For our main product, the marine litter density maps, there will a base fee for each meter of coastline be monitored. The basic fee (without any discounts) will be 1 Euro per each meter of coastline UAV data collected. This price tag also contains the processing work that needs to be done after. The minimum overall fee for this product will be 1000 Euro. Hence in order the company to be able to cover its expenses, for beaches will less coastline than 1000m, the minimum product price will be the same (1000 Euros).

If the operations take place away from Lesvos Island, the final product price will also include, traveling and lodging expenses of the company’s operational team that will travel there. For big projects (>10km), there will be discounts based on the nature of the projects. In addition, this price plan will be expanded more in the coming future based on company’s needs and costs.
The final product will be given in a report form. In addition, we plan to sell our services directly to customers through our future published web page. Hence, we will accept only digital payments though debit and credit cards.

Εικόνα για Προϊόντα και Υπηρεσίες

Ανάλυση Ανταγωνισμού

Currently, there are no other companies in Greece with expertise and scientific background to UAS close remote sensing over the marine environment. Furthermore, our team is highly specialized in mapping emerging phenomena in the coastal zone, such as marine litter, coastal erosion, and marine habitat monitoring. In Greece, a few SMEs provide aerial services for data acquisition only for topographic services or aerial photography. These are operating solely over the land. Our expertise in mapping spatiotemporal phenomena and changes in the coastal zone is not yet a valid product from other SMEs.

As for the European market, we have identified 5 main possible competitors. The first one is a company called DroneMatrix from Belgium, which offers custom UAV services, such as traffic monitoring, security, event surveillance, etc. Our competitor advantage is that we are more plastic litter oriented. The second possible competitor is Vito. Vito is a research center in Belgium that offers many UAV monitoring services as products. Our competitor advantage is that we have more experience in open field data. The third possible competitor is an NGO from the Netherlands called The Ocean Cleanup. Their aim is to clean and remove plastic litter from the world’s Oceans. We believe that we are in a more mature state of development in monitoring marine litter in the coastal zones. Finally, the fourth and fifth competitors are LitterDrone (Research Project from Spain) and Deep Trace Technologies (university Spin-off from Italy) that both aim to develop ways to detect marine litter with the use of UAVs. Again, in this case, from studying their reports and publications we strongly believe that we are in a more mature stage of development from both of them.

Εικόνα για την Ανάλυση Ανταγωνισμού

Στρατηγική πωλήσεων

Intellectual Property (IP) protection
Our team has found that there is no such a similar method of detecting marine litter in the market and hence our idea is something completely new. For this reason, we are in talks with the management team of the University of the Aegean (future partner in our spin-off startup) to find ways to protect our solution and our Intellectual Property (IP).

Our product for Private companies
For private companies, our business model is the creation and operation of Corporate Social Responsibly (CSR) programs that focus on the protection of the environment. More specifically, the monitoring and cleaning of marine litter from coastal zones. Usually, we select companies that produce plastic products and want to run CSR actions.
Therefore, we propose to selected companies to hire us to run a CSR program. These CSR programs have 3 main pillars.
1. The monitoring of coastal zones with the use of UAVs, typically we propose for 10km of coastline (this number changes by customer needs).
2. The organization of volunteering cleaning events with the help of the company’s employees and the coastal zone’s local stakeholders, in order to clean the selected zone from marine litter.
3. The presentation of the program’s results to media, social media, and scientific conferences.

Our programs are custom-created based on customers’ needs. They can also be co-created with the customer. The basic cost is as mentioned in the previous pricing segment.

Funding Plan
Our team is aiming to get financial support from available European funding Schemes. For this reason, we have highlighted the most important ones for the year 2021. These are:

• EIT Digital Venture Program (we have already got 15K Euros from it).
• EIC Accelerator
• EIX Pathfinder
• ESA BIC Greece Incubator
• Aegean Startups (local)

Εικόνα για την Στρατηγική πωλήσεων

Στρατηγική Μάρκετινγκ

Our marketing plan is to invest in the following six ways for advertising our company:

The first one is direct contact with our potential customers. We have already researched and created lists of potential customers that we think may be interested in buying our products. We will then directly send them advertising material through email format in order to present them  our products and real-life examples of our work. In case they are interested to learn more about us, we will then try to arrange one to one online meeting in order to pitch them our solutions in person.
The second one is by creating a monthly newsletter and sending it by email. The potential customers will have the ability through a dedicated page on our website to subscribe to our newsletter. Then, each month we will send them an email and we will inform them about our products, our company’s news and our ongoing projects.
The third one is lobbying. We will try to reach contacts into ministries and government organizations to indicate to them the importance of our solutions. Specifically, in the case of marine litter mapping as we believe that it will be needed in the future from government organizations for reporting marine litter pollution in coastal zones.
Forth one is by attending conferences. Currently, we plan to attend only virtual conferences and web seminars due to Covid19 pandemic issue. By attending these conferences we will have the opportunity to present to other relevant people our solutions and their scientific background. This way will help us to become well known quicker than the other ways.
The fifth way is by organizing our own web meetings. In these web seminars, we will deeply present our solutions and will show real case results of our operations to potential customers. The attendees of these meetings will be found through our presence in the other fourth marketing steps analyzed above.
The sixth way is by joining the Elevate Greece Platform. Elevate Greece is an initiative launched by the Greek Government, intended to identify promising startups and support their growth nurturing a robust innovation ecosystem along the way. The initiative provides a digital gate through which Greek startups can apply requesting to be officially accredited by a competent State Ministry (Ministry of Development & Investments – General Secretariat for Research & Technology [GSRT]). By joining this platform, it will help our start-up to become known to potential clients and investors who use the platform to find new business opportunities (link: https://elevategreece.gov.gr/).

Εικόνα για την Στρατηγική Marketing

Στρατηγική Παραγωγής και Ανάπτυξης

Our revenue is set in our best guesses based on our previous projects experience. Our estimations for the next 3 years are:

1st year: 25km of shoreline data – 25.000 Euros
2nd year: 50km of shoreline data – 50.000 Euros
3rd year: 100km of shoreline data – 100.000 Euros


Any potential grants have not been added to the revenue stream. There is no extra revenue from our other products, hence this guess is not our best-case scenario.
The worst-case scenario that we have applied here is to make around 30% profit in about three years time.
Our hires and notable expenses are analyzed in use of funds

Εικόνα για την Στρατηγική Παραγωγής και Ανάπτυξης

Στρατηγική Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού και Οργάνωσης

The company is a natural result of 6 years of intensive work on UAS technology and visualization of the geoinformation conducted at the University of the Aegean. It will gain from the produced knowledge acquired from the university environment and transform it into a modern valuable product for society.

The Marine Remote Sensing Group (MRSG) (http://mrsg.aegean.gr) of the Department of Marine Sciences of Aegean University was created in 2014 aiming of developing methods and processes for the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the collection, mapping and visualization of spatial information in the sciences of Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing and Cartography. The team conducts research on the exploration, analysis, and imaging of satellite and UAS data. It combines image processing algorithms and on-site measurements to develop new methods, technologies, and products for the visual representation of geospatial information. The team has participated in several international, national or development – design projects such as: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 SEO-DWARF, MARISCA, ERABeach, MARINE-EO, DRAGON, THAL-HOR, EDK ARSx2, MARRE, ARGO, AQUASAFE. The Head of MRSG is Dr. Konstantinos Topouzelis, which will act as CSO of SciDrones.

Taking into account the demand for future UAS mapping products and the success of the MRSG projects, the team decided to create the startup “SciDrones”, in order to promote its knowledge for solving major environmental problems that require special remote sensing techniques.

The SciDrones is formed from three shareholders with the following positions:

CEO – Apostolos Papakonstantinou

CSO – Konstantinos Topouzelis

CTO – Argyris Moustakas

Εικόνα για την Στρατηγική Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού και Οργάνωσης

Οικονομικά Στοιχεία

1ο Έτος: 5 | 2ο Έτος: 15 | 3ο Έτος: 25 | 4ο Έτος: | 5ο Έτος:

1ο Έτος: 10000 | 2ο Έτος: 10000 | 3ο Έτος: 10000 | 4ο Έτος: | 5ο Έτος:

1ο Έτος: 50000 | 2ο Έτος: 150000 | 3ο Έτος: 250000 | 4ο Έτος: | 5ο Έτος:

1ο Έτος: | 2ο Έτος: | 3ο Έτος: | 4ο Έτος: | 5ο Έτος:

1ο Έτος: 84000 | 2ο Έτος: 114000 | 3ο Έτος: 114000 | 4ο Έτος: | 5ο Έτος:

1ο Έτος: | 2ο Έτος: | 3ο Έτος: | 4ο Έτος: | 5ο Έτος:

1ο Έτος: 15000 | 2ο Έτος: 15000 | 3ο Έτος: 15000 | 4ο Έτος: | 5ο Έτος:

1ο Έτος: 50000 | 2ο Έτος: 150000 | 3ο Έτος: 250000 | 4ο Έτος: | 5ο Έτος:

1ο Έτος: | 2ο Έτος: | 3ο Έτος: | 4ο Έτος: | 5ο Έτος:

Πλάνο Δράσης
Εικόνα για το Πλάνο Δράσης

Εικόνα για τα Παραρτήματα